In 2018, the cabbage scoop was recognized as the most dangerous pest of cabbage of all ripening periods. This year, experts predict the possibility of mass development and spread of the harmful organism throughout Ukraine.
Caterpillars of the first and second generations developed on cabbage plantings in all regions of the country with a density of 1-2, maximum 4 specimens. They weakly (and in some places on personal plots severely) damaged 2-12%, focally 20% of cabbage plants in Polesie, in the Forest-Steppe and the Steppe.
The economic threshold for the harmfulness of these insects is 2-5 caterpillars per plant when 5% of the plants are populated, so most farmers cabbage crops were treated 2-3 times a season with drugs against this pest.Given the available wintering stock (an average of 0.8 ind./ m²), in conditions of good wintering of the pest and favorable weather throughout Ukraine, mass development, spread and harmfulness of the cabbage scoop is possible.
The degree of realization of potential fecundity largely determines the air temperature at the level of 15 ° C during the flight of the butterfly. The posterity survival is affected by the amount and nature of rainfall during egg laying and the development of caterpillars of younger ages.Focal mass development of the pest is possible on crops of cabbage crops, beets, peas, and other vegetables. Entomophages and the timely conduct of protective measures can significantly affect the number and severity of cabbage scoops.